Hazardous trees come in all species and sizes. A common form of a hazardous tree is one that shows a sign of rot, disease or trees with a strong lean. These types of tree decline can be due to root failure, over saturated soils, tree location, wind, soil structure, snow weight, poor growth habits or neglected pruning during tree development. Actions may be taken to save the tree by means of pruning or using a cabling and bracing system. If the risk poses too much of a problem and the tree has established irreversible growth habits then removing it is the final option. For every tree removed AWTS sees that another is planted through the Arbor Day Foundation. If you suspect a tree is a hazard, do not hesitate call today!

Douglas Fir Lean

Douglas Fir Lean

Large Cottonwood Stem Failure

Large Cottonwood Stem Failure

Mature Dead Subalpine Fir Near Home

Mature Dead Subalpine Fir Near Home

Emergency Wind Storm Lodge Pole Pine Lean

Emergency Wind Storm Lodge Pole Pine Lean

Contact Between Tree And Structure

Contact Between Tree And Structure

Codominant Aspen Stems

Codominant Aspen Stems